Going Green
Power-To-X (PtX or P2X) is essential to a carbon neutral society while meeting increasing demands for energy. P2X is the process of converting sustainable electricity into something else such as Power-To-Hydrogen, Power-To-chemicals (such as Power-to-Ammonia or eMethanol. Typically, Power-To-X is part of a primary conversion pathway such as Power-To-Hydrogen or a secondary pathway such as using excess power for the conversion process. Power-to-X has can drive sustainable chemistry, lower our carbon footprint and play a significant role in a sustainable green energy future.
Bray Products for
Electrolyzer Water Treatment
Bray Products for
Green Hydrogen Production
Bray Products for
Green Ammonia
Bray's products for
Bray's products for
Carbon Capture
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Industrial Gas
Bray is a premier global manufacturer of reliable valves, actuators and accessories trusted in industrial gas processing, air separation and transportation around the world.