Sugar Cane Process Solutions

Vacuum Pans / Crystallization / Centrifuge
Power Plant
Drying / Storage

This process breaks the sugar cane apart releasing the raw juice from the fibers.

Having extracted the raw juice, impurities like fibers, mud, rocks, sand and minerals need to be removed from the juice.

Clean juice moves through multiple evaporators heated by exhaust steam until it becomes syrup at 65%-70% solid content.

Vacuum Pans / Crystallization / Centrifuge
Sugar syrup is crystallized by further boiling and seeding till specified crystal size is reached.

Syrup/Massecuitte is separated into wet sugar crystals and molasses by spinning them in a centrifuge.

Power Plant
Bagasse, coal and gas is used to make steam and electricity for the sugar factory.

Drying / Storage
The wet sugar crystals are dried in hot air dryers to prepare them for storage and bagging

Sugar Cane Industry Solutions
Bray has specifically designed unique and innovative solutions that provide dependable and continuous service in the harshest of sugar & ethanol processes.